#P1233. Youmu with Master spark
Youmu with Master spark
Now everything seems to be done, solving the Reimu's problem, geting the spring. Now Youmu just needs to go back.
But all of a sudden, here comes a witch with blond hair. The stranger stopped Youmu and wants Youmu to help her.
After some introductions, Youmu knows the stranger in front of her called Marisa, and she has some problems with the power of her Master spark
Though there's no common sense in Gensoukyo, the Master spark has a function of it which is below:
At first, we define a function :
Then the power of the Master spark is
With the positive integer number of magic power used as
Marisa is poor at the math, so she comes to Youmu, Youmu, as a gardener is not strange to be good at math right?(as there's no common sense in Gensoukyo). She solves the problem quickly, so can you solve the problem, too?
picture: the stranger Marisa
The first line of the input contains one positive integer indicating the number of the test cases.
Then follows lines, each line contains one positive integer indicating the number of magic power used at all.
For each test case, print lines. Each line contains one float number the power of Marisa's Master spark.
Your answer will be considered correct, if its absolute or relative error isn't greater than . Formally, let your answer be a, while jury's answer be b. Your answer will be considered correct if holds.